Below is a list of Swahili demonstratives for different noun classes:
Singular. Plural
M/MI. mti huu,this tree,. mti ule , that tree
miti hii,these trees,. miti ile, those trees
KI/VI. Kitabu hiki this book. Kitabu kile,that book
vitabu hivi,these books. vitabu vile, those books
- jina hili, this name. jina lile, that name
majina haya,these names. majina Yale, those names
N/N. nyumba hii, this house. nyumba ile, that house
nyumba hizi,these houses. nyumba zile,those houses
- ukuta huu this wall. ukuta ule, that wall
Kuta hizi, this Walls Kuta hizi, those walls
- pahali hapo, this place. pahali pale,that place
- kula huku, this eating. Kula kule that eating
For the third demonstrative (huyu),we have;
M/MI. mti huo,that tree (near you),or such a tree,……….
miti hiyo, those trees (near you),or such trees…….
KI/VI. kitabu hicho that book (near you),or such a book…..
vitabu hivi, those books (near you),or such books……
- jina hilo,such a name
majina haya such names
N/N. nyumba hiyo, that house (near you),such a house
nyumba hizo, those houses,such houses
- ukuta huo, that wall (near you),such a wall
Kuta hizo, those walls,(near you),or such walls
- Pahala hapo,that place (near you)
- kula huko, this eating,or such eating