Letter O
Oa,ku-, to marry( refers to a man)
olewa,ku-, marry(refers to a woman)
oga,ku-, to take a bath
ogelea,ku-, to swim
ogopa,ku-, to fear
omba,ku-, to beg,ask for something
ona,ku-, to see
ondoa,ku-, to remove
ondoka,ku-, to depart
onekana,ku-, to be seen,be visible
ongea,ku-, to speak
ongeza,ku-, to increase,add to
onyesha,ku-, to show
ote, all
ote, any
oza,ku-, to rot,to give in marriage
Letter p
pa,ku-, to give
pahali, place
paka, cat(s)
paka,ku-, smear(paka rangi,to paint)
pakia,ku-, to load
pakua,ku-, to unload
Pale,pale pale, there,right there on the spot
We will continue with letter p,next time