This verb is also irregular in the present tense. In other tenses it is regular and identical with the verb kuwa treated above. Kuwako means “to be in a place “.
It is used to indicate that a thing or person is in a certain place, as contrasted to being in a certain state e.g “I am a teacher “and “I am at school “are not the same in Swahili:to be a teacher is a quality status.
While to be at school is not inherent in me as a quality;I am still a teacher even when I sleep at night in my bed. This distinction of being as a status and being in a place is necessary in the present tense. In all other tenses the same form of the verb to be is used to mean to be as a status and to be in a place. The following examples will illustrate this; Compare:
Tatu ni mwalimu, Tatu is a teacher;
and. Tatu yuko shuleni, Tatu is at school.
again. Tatu alikuwa mtoto, Tatu was a child.
and. Tatu alikuwa shuleni, Tatu was at school.
So,too. Tatu atakuwa mama, Tatu will be a mother
and. Tatu atakua nyumbani, Tatu will be at home.
Present tense
Niko,I am (in a place)e.g,niko hapa,I am here.
Uko,you are(in a place)uko wapi?where are you?
Yuko,he/she is (in a place)yuko huko,he is there.
Tuko,we are (in a place)tuko,we are here.
Mko,you are(in a place)mko ndani?are you inside?
Wako,they are(in a place)wako huko,they are there
Perfect Tense
Nimekuwa (ko),I have been(in a place)
Umekuwa(ko),he/she has been (in a place)
Amekuwa(ko),he/she has been (in a place)
Tumekuwa(ko),we have been (in a place)
Wamekuwa(ko),They have been (in a place)
Past Tense
Nilikuwa (ko),I was (there)
Ulikuwa(ko),you were (there)
Alikuwa(ko),he/she was ( there)
Tulikuwa(ko),we were (there)
Mlikuwa(ko),you were (there)
Walikuwa(ko),They were (there)
Future Tense
Nitakuwa(ko),I will be (there)
Utakuwa (ko),you will be(there)
Atakuwa(ko),he/she will be (there)
Tutakuwa(ko),we will be (there)
Mtakuwa(ko),you will be(there)
Watakuwa(ko),They will be(there)
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