Kijue Kiswahili Sehemu ya Saba


Person pronoun are six in numbers in kiswahili language in singular You have three and in plural you have three, two in each category, You have the first person, second and third.

Example with the first person singular you have”Mimi”that is equivalent to I In English.

The second person singular”wewe”that is equivalent to you in English, and third person singular you have “yeye”that stands for he or she or it in English.


On another hand you have “sisi”as first person plural that is equivalent to we in English.

Then you have “Ninyi”as second person plural that is equivalent to you in English, and you have “wao”as third person plural that is equivalent to they.

Singular                                            Kiswahili pronoun/English pronoun

First person pronoun singular                     Mimi                 I

Second person pronoun singular                Wewe              You

Third person pronoun singular                      Yeye                   He or she or it


First person plural.                                            Sisi                   We

Second person plural.                                       Ninyi                 You

Third person plural                                              Wao               They

We will continue with our topic next time




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