Jifunze Kiswahili-Sehemu ya 6

We proceed with our topic six.

This topic is about telling time in kiswahili

The importance thing in telling time in kiswahili is to remember that ,you have to


specify whether is in evening,night, afternoon, early in the morning,mid-night or


                The kiswahili word for morning is “Asubuhi”afternoon is “mchana”evening  

is “jioni”, mid-night is“usiku wa mane”, early in the morning is”alfajiri”and night is “usiku”

.The sunrise is“mawio”and sunset is “machweo”

              The following are the ways in which kiswahili speakers tell time just observe

During a day (mchana)

saa Moja            1

Saa mbili            2

Saa Tatu.              3

Saa Nne.               4

Saa tano.                5

Saa sita.                 6

Saa Saba.               7

Saa nane.                8

Saa Tisa.                  9

Saa kumi.                 10

Saa kumi na Moja.    11

Saa kumi na mbili.       12

During night (usiku)

Saa Moja              1

Saa mbili               2

Saa Tatu.               3

Saa Nne.                 4

Saa tano.                  5

During mid night (usiku wa mane)

Saa sita.                   6

Saa Saba.                 7

Saa nane.                  8

Saa Tisa.                   9

Early in the morning(Alfajiri)

Saa kumi                   10

Saa kumi na Moja       11

       during morning (Asubuhi)

Saa kumi na mbili.          12

Do you see how time resembling?so do not miss your appointment,just make sure that when

making appointments you are aware at what time is referred?is it in a day or night?

       Also within that frame work of telling time in a day and night,there are Minor specifications

which you will hear speakers referring to.But do not feel embarrassed to them .It is just optional

Way to specify an hour as how some will do .But the important things is to know day or night.

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